Friday, June 27, 2008

Aaaah! SUMMER! :)

Heeeeeyy! :)

Its Kri & This Is Her 1st Blog This Summer!!!!.. and guess wat.. I just woke up and its 1! :O!!! ma im sucha LAAAZYY BONEEE! :P..

So yest went to exiles wiit val kim micki dawn & kay [luuu alll! :)] and wen we wer there we met laa lariij donaa larissa beev daan dreew & all the ppl of y4j aax ill never stop!! xD Insomma it was relee gr8 & fun & hectiic & hillarious! Thxx so much guys 4 makin my 1st day of summer amaziiin :D Then me & miic & val decided 2 jump in wit our shiirts... yess we r crazy and randoom :).. we actually floated wit em! they wer like lifejackets!! :O :) Theen we went to amigoes but daawn had 2 leaave! :(.. me and kaay took a kinniee [i hadnt taken it in aagees! :P] & d most amaaaaziiin fajita everrrr! :)

Theeen we wer leaavin nd dreew showeed us thiis thing he did wiit a polee! :O he like carried himself onn it! it was rle cool! :P

Noow 22daii i hav freakiin ballet & its rele rele rele rele rele rele gettin on my nerves cuz i cunt go shoppin or swimmin wit my friends and its frm 4-9.. and even tomorro i hav 2 cum after d youth mass 2 meet my friends aaxi hav my show! =/ :@ uwijja tht shows itll soon be oveer! yeey :P
Dunt get me wrong cuuz i releee laaav danciin and ballet but it gets rele annoyiin wen u hav everydaay and u hav 2 miss things u luuv 4 it! uwijjaa

guyss im off aax my bro is bbeiin an ass! :P

Laav Yeh All!
Ill blog lateer i promisee! xD

God Bless

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